Do you find the people who lived in Biblical times have a lot in common with us today? How are our lives similar? That’s one of those questions to which I think the answer is both “yes” and “no”. People seem to come in the same set of types no matter when they live. (No matter what group — political,… Read more »
Queenmaker: A Novel of King David’s Queen by India Edghill What happened after David defeated Goliath? Through the eyes of King David’s first wife, Queen Michal, we see his rise to power and the political and religious trouble of his reign. Michal is the daughter of Saul, who became King of Israel when the prophet Samuel decreed that it was… Read more »
Delilah by India Edghill When I was 8 years old I received an illustrated Bible from my aunt for Christmas. Though I no longer have it, I can remember the pictures that were scattered throughout. One featured a muscular, bloodied Samson pushing great pillars. I can’t recall ever learning more about the story–until now. I’m not sure what I expected… Read more »